Crane flies are out in force, so many daddy long legs are flying about, and unless your extremely quick & careful, they will certainly invite themselves in whenever you open your door!
This month's chart reflects the rise of the daddies, taking half of the entries in the chart. We have a larger selection this year, with two new patterns, the Daddy Green Tip GH landing in 4th position, and the Light Bodied Daddy GH, which has a unique white body - not quite making it to the chart as of yet - but initial feedback seems positive!
If you want to see something new, take a look at the 41 new patterns we have produced so far this year.
These trending flies show a great impression of what is happening on the water at the moment, and directly shows what patterns other fisherman are using to catch those fish!
Ranking 1 & 2
Ranking 3 & 4
Ranking 5 & 6
Ranking 7 & 8
Ranking 9 & 10