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Jet Black Buzzer Fly

Hook Size

  • 10
  • 12

Choose Quantity

  • 3
  • 6
  • 9
  • 12
  • 24

Estimated Dispatch Time

  • 1-3 Days
  • 3 Pack: $2.40, £1.80, 2.16
  • 12 Pack: $8.00, £6.00, 7.20
    (12 flies for the price of 10)
  • Selection Total: $2.40

  • Add fly to basket

When should I fish with the Jet Black Buzzer?

This graph shows trends of when fly fishermen use the Jet Black Buzzer to fish with and what hooks are most popular throughout the fly-fishing season.

About the Jet Black Buzzer Trout Fly

The Jet Black Buzzer may seem like a plain Jane in the fly box due to its sparse and colourless appearance, but it is a highly effective pattern that can lead to devastating results on the water. The fly's simplicity is part of what makes it so effective, as it can mimic a variety of aquatic prey and entice fish in a range of fishing conditions and environments.

When fishing the Black Buzzer, anglers should focus on using the slowest of slow retrieves to create a natural and lifelike presentation. This can involve a variety of techniques, including static presentations, slow retrieves, and gentle twitches. The key is to make the fly look as natural and lifelike as possible, which can entice fish to strike.

One of the unique features of the Jet Black Buzzer is the faint green sparkle that it emits when caught in the light. This subtle but effective feature can be highly attractive to fish and can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful day on the water.

Expert Tip:

Buzzers are high on the menu for still water trout, so it is not surprising that most of the fishing methods developed for buzzer patterns are specifically aimed at lakes, ponds and reservoirs.

This trout fly is designed to be fished on Dams & Reservoirs, Still Water

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